[ kris-tee-ah-nuh ]
1. the unexpected ingenue who will sweep you off your feet with her quirky innocence, knock you out with a 1-2 punch of fire and compassion, and charm you with her vulnerability and shameless spontaneity.
2. actress
3. singer
4. songwriter
5. lover of tacos
6. According to my mother, when I was a baby I would wake up singing. That's how she knew I was up. Music seemed to always be a part of me and was something that I continued to lean towards in my life.
7. In kindergarten we put on a play about discovering America and how Thanksgiving came to be. Who knew that my first line ever, “Look, the Indians!” would spark the desire to be a performing artist. That day I discovered my own America: my hearts desires and my calling in this world.
8. I looked forward to elementary school and relished every second of music class...and P.E. I had an older brother who made sure I knew ALL about sports. He groomed me into the perfect athlete. By 3rd grade I made the All Star basketball and soccer team, and did I mention I was the only girl on the team?! Talk about GIRL POWER! (Oh yea...I was obsessed with the Spice Girls but what 90's girl wasn't!) In 5th grade I finally was old enough to join the schools choir and the county choir . . . I never looked back. From 5th grade to college, I was in chorus.
9. In 6th grade, I begged my mom to put me in band. The more music I was in the better! So naturally I choose to learn the coolest instrument, alto saxophone, not because of its sound but because it had a lot of shiny buttons. I became the girl who could sing Satin Doll and play my sax the next bar.
10. I was also in my first musical in 6th grade as the milk maid in Oliver! I continued with athletics and music all through out high school. Except I did have to drop basketball when everyone started growing taller and I kept remaining 5 feet. I picked up swimming, and dancing and they still remain an integral part of my life.
11. Through out high school I competed in county and state solo competitions and won many awards. I was the band and chorus geek...talk about a double whammy of geekdom! AP Music Theory! Hello! My high school was on the verge of becoming a performing arts magnet school. Lucky for me, I took full advantage. Half of my day was filled with the arts!
12. When the time came to apply for college, my mom asked me, “What do you want to major in?” I responded in all my teenage glory, “Uhhhh...What the hell else am I gonna do?” Without a moments hesitations she said, “Yea, you're right."
13. On to CUA, I went majoring in Musical Theatre. While I was there, I studied abroad at London Dramatic Academy and had the pleasure of meeting and working with some of the best teachers, actors, and directors. I fell in love with my second British icon...Shakespeare. I also had the wonderful pleasure to work with the Tony award winning Signature Theatre in Michael John LaChiusa's GIANT.
14. After graduating I headed to NYC and continued my studies at The Barrow Group. I continue to immerse myself in my craft and am currently studying at the Jen Waldman Studio. I am also writing my own music and am in the process of recording a demo. When I am not making music, auditioning, and doing artist things, you can catch me in the water teaching kids how to swim. Told you that swimming thing has stuck with me like a barnacle on a whale's bottom.
15. ...The End.
16. ...Actually there is no end to this story. Not Yet! Follow me to get more glimpses of my story!